Rolex Sydney-Hobart, Wild Oats XI s’inchina a Investec Loyal

Hobart – Un finale al cardiopalma ha reso indimenticabile l’edizione 2011 della Rolex Sydney-Hobart. Investec Loyal, che nel corso della prima notte di regata era riuscito a sopravanzareWild Oats XI grazie all’ottimo fiuto dell’afterguard, rimasto in fase con la brezza in calo sino alle prime luci dell’alba, ha difeso con i denti la propria leadership dal ritorno del Maxi di Bob Oatley ed ha conquistato il successo in tempo reale con un margine di soli tre minuti rispetto al diretto avversario.
Accesa la battaglia in 4° divisione dove il nostro Two True già vincitore nel 2009 un velocissimo Beneteau First 40's from Australia sta lottando in 7° posizione in Overoll e sul filo di lana per giocarsi la sua categoria davvero bravi!!!

La regata quest' annoè durissima i 40 ruggenti si sono fatti sentire per molte ore!
Quì sotto un pò di storia
Two True
Two True is one of the new Beneteau First 40’s to hit Australian waters and is owned by Andrews Saies, representing the Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia. In the boat’s first event, Saies scored a 3rd in IRC Grand Prix Division 2 at Audi Hamilton Island Race Week 2009 and Two True was named the CYCSA's Boat of the Year, having won 1st place in the club’s Musto Offshore Series. In the boat’s first Rolex Sydney Hobart in 2009, Saies and his crew were declared the overall winners of the race, surviving a protest for an incident at the first rounding mark in Sydney Harbour. Saies continued on to Audi Victoria Week in January this year, where he collected second in IRC Division 2; and followed this up with a third at Lincoln Race Week in February. Her second journey to Hobart was not to be: she suffered mast damage on her delivery to Sydney, was loaned a mast by fellow Beneteau owner CYCA Vice Commodore Howard Piggott to make the Boxing Day start only to retire on the morning of the 28th December due to engine issues which prevented the batteries being charged. Saies was also named the CYCA Ocean Racer of the Year for 2009/2010.
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